Once youve selected the school you wish to attend, gone through the application procedures and started to train youll get a better idea of what area youd like to specialize in as an electrician.
At some point in time you may want to consider transferring out of the school you began in and move over to a school that deals specifically in the area youve chosen. For instance, you may have started in an electrical school and after completing the first round of courses youve decided that you want to specialize in refrigeration electrician training.
Your school offers a few classes in the area but after some research youve found several schools throughout the country that offer numerous courses in the ins and outs of installing and maintaining air conditioning equipment for residential, commercial or industrial use.
You could get your certificate in general electronic studies and then apprentice for a refrigeration contractor for a while before learning enough on the job to be re-certified as an expert in that specific field or you could spend some time in Refrigeration School of Electronics and upon graduation, youd have learned more and still qualify for the re-certification. It all depends on your nature and whether or not you have the time and money to remain in school a bit longer.
Most graduates spend time after leaving school working as an apprentice for an established professional. The hourly wage is very good for right-out-of-school workers but the benefits may be partial or placed on hold for a short period of time, however, the practical, hands-on experience is unbeatable. Some people learn better in the classroom setting and some people learn better doing the job. It takes all types. You have to decide which type you are and what you are looking for from a career as an electrician. Then you can proceed in the best possible manner to suit yourself.
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