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Imagine the possibilities of an interactive data visualization tool. You can go almost anywhere and see how the data visualization tool is already being used to make information more accessible and interactive for your business and for your clients.Recently, I had to make travel arrangements online and instead of the usual booking process involving only dates, times, and pricing, I was introduced to a whole new world of convenience that left me a happy customer. After taking care of the logistics of the trip, I came across an interactive airplane seating map that displayed seating availability for my flight using a data visualization tool. All I had to do was drag my mouse over the seat I wanted and it showed me whether or not it was available for me to take. This was my first interaction with a data visualization tool, and since then my curiosity has been peaked. It was not long after booking the flight that I was searching for skiing information in Colorado. Another interactive map came up. The data visualization tool allowed me to drag my mouse over the various ski resorts and see the skiing conditions, including snowfall and depth. My imagination began to run wild over the possibilities of the data visualization tool.Now children researching a report on birth rates in the United States or population information of different states in India can find interactive maps, empowered by a data visualization tool, which allows them to simply drag the mouse over the state to see the information they are looking for. Even businessmen and women or investors searching for financial statements of various companies can consume complex information in a bite size package by viewing charts, graphs, and other visual information with a data visualization tool.Imagine presenting a marketing report to owners, investors, and the board of directors of your company. You are presenting many levels of complex information to men and women that may not be able to grasp it all unless it is presented in an understandable format. A data visualization tool brings information to life, and allows those to whom you may present to be able to interact with the information. Many variables exist in marketing and sales reports, including geography, population, ratios of men to women, or one age to another. Is it possible to present all of this complex information in a simple way? Yes. Even the United States government has been able to take advantage of the data visualization tool to provide manageable information to the masses.Let’s say that you want to show how many bags of potato chips your company sells in the first quarter in the Midwest, specifically in Iowa. You have a graph that displays that information very clearly. What if one of your clients wants to know about Illinois instead of Iowa? All you would have to do is drag your mouse over Illinois and the information would pop up with the data visualization tool. During presentations such as these pages upon pages…

Here is the basic rule of every business: you have to sell things to earn money. Salesmanship, or the art of closing a sales, therefore, is of ultimate importance for any business venture. After all, we can”t expect any earnings if we don”t make any sales.Winning customers is essential for the success of your enterprise. And this is absolutely true for online businesses too. In fact, winning customers online has its pros and cons. The good news is that the entire world is your market, and you could potentially reach more people through the World Wide Web. The disadvantage? The Internet offers a more impersonal channel in our dealings with people, making it more difficult to gain their trust and favor.So what can you to do then? Fear not, dear friend. As with everything else in life, you should try to accentuate the positives to compensate for the negatives. Here are 5 methods by which you could gain a good number of customers, and keep them for a long and profitable business for you and your family.1. Always deliver quality goods or services.There is no better vehicle for our business message than our products themselves. Consistently offering things that are more than worth our customers” time and money will brand us as enterprises that are committed to quality products and services. This would only serve us well in future dealings with the same clients. Additionally, this would make our clients as advertising vehicles for our business as well, as they would spread the word about the excellence of our service to people belonging to their network.2. Always try to over-deliver.People love receiving more than what they paid for. If you consistently give them some extras, their minds would be conditioned to trust your business for future transactions.3. Provide bonuses.In addition to the product you”re selling, add some more goods that would perk up the package. Do this in a manner that you will make your customers aware of the value of the bonuses if they were otherwise purchased. This would definitely increase the worth of your product, and such would make it more favorable for a successful sale. Additionally, your bonuses would foster good will with your clients, and this could go a long, long way for future orders.4. Build relationships.The importance of building good relationships with your customers cannot be undermined. As we”ve discussed earlier, the Internet is a rather informal venue for personal dealings. So try to humanize your approach so that your customers can relate to you as someone who is more than just a business provider, but also as a friend.5. Make use of a mailing list.A mailing list is an Internet marketers number one weapon. By capturing the contact details of people who may not have been interested with their current offer, they will be able to condition the same people for future sales. And this could serve their businesses well for quite a long time, as one successful sale can beget another and another…

Climbing Mount ShastaTopped by snow and glaciers, Mount Shasta rises up above everything else when you approach it from the north.As soon as I saw it, I wanted to be up there. We were coming south from Oregon, after driving across the country from Michigan. A detour to northern California before heading home seemed like a good idea to both of us.”I wonder if we could climb it?” I asked. John just nodded his head quietly, agreeing not to the climb, but to the fact that he was wondering the same thing. I checked the map. Mount Shasta is 14,162 feet above sea level. I liked the idea of climbing that high.”Have you ever climbed a mountain,” John asked me. I thought about it for a while. “Not really. A lot of hills though.”Mount Shasta City”Oh yes,” the old woman at the visitor’s center told us, “people climb Mount Shasta all the time.” John pointed out the glaciers on the map she had given us. “Oh, well, did you bring crampons and ice axes?” John looked at me, and I could only say, “I’ve heard of these things.”We did have some gear: backpacks, sleeping bags, and a tent. John had good hiking boots, but mine were more like high-top shoes. Neither of us had ever used crampons or an ice axe, so we went the few blocks across town to see what the guy at the climbing store had to say.”Have you done any climbing before?” he asked us.”A little,” I answered, remembering the buildings we used to climb on as teenagers, and the rocks we had recently scrambled up in Oregon. I figured we were ready for Mount Shasta.”Well, you can’t put crampons on those boots,” he said to John, “and you sure can’t put them on those,” he told me, shaking his head at my shoes. Crampons apparently need rigid boots – our mountaineering lesson of the day. We could rent them, but only if we rented real mountaineering boots also. “And you’ll need ice axes, of course.” I felt a pain in my wallet.Backpacking On Mount Shasta (Too Poor For Climbing)A speeding ticket in North Dakota had strained the budget, and Mount Shasta was another detour from the route and the budget. We could, we decided, hike up the mountain and do a little backpacking. Still, I had to ask, “Do people climb Shasta without gear?” The store owner realized that the sale was lost.”It’s been done,” he answered impatiently.”It’s been done,” I reminded John as we drove up the road to Mount Shasta. He didn’t answer, which was a good sign. I watched the Pine trees go by, and absentmindedly poked a finger through a hole in my shoe.”Old Ski Bowl Trailhead,” John said. I looked over at the sign. “7,900 feet.” We were at the trailhead, along with forty other cars, and it was early enough to hit the trail.Mount Shasta Poop BagsWe looked at the registration forms, and had a decision to make. There…

A reverse merger is a method used by many small and mid-cap companies to initially go public, its the purchase of, and reverse merger into, an existing public shell company. This is inexpensive compared with conventional Initial public offerings (IPO). This is also a simplified fast track method by which a private company can become a public company.In a reverse merger, an operating Private company merges with a public company that has little or no assets, nor known liabilities (the “shell”). A shell is what remains of a once public company that has ceased to operate, by going bankrupt or liquidation of assets. In some rare instances, the shell may have some amount of cash remaining for investment into the new enterprise. The public corporation is called a “shell” since all that exists of the original company is its corporate shell structure and shareholders. The private company owners obtain the majority of the shell corporation”s stock (usually 90-95%) through a new issue of stock for the private enterprise or asset.The public corporation will normally change its name to the private company”s name and elect a new Board of Directors which will appoint the officers. The public corporation will usually have a base of shareholders sufficient to meet the 300 shareholders requirement for eventual admission to quotation on the NASDAQ Small Cap Market or American Stock Exchange (if the private company”s financial condition substantiates other NASDAQ or AMEX requirements). The company must file a form S-4, this form is use to register securities in connection with Business combinations and exchange offers. although some shells have as few as 35-50 shareholders, and are currently listed (or can apply for listing) on the OTC Bulletin Board or the NQB Pink Sheets.A Reverse Merger may be the quickest way to go public but is it the best?Lets look at a few drawbacks of using a Reverse merger to take your company public.(1). The cost of the shell: the price of corporate shells has skyrocketed over the last couple of years, due to increased SEC scrutiny and demand for shells by Chinese companies looking to go public and trade in the U.S.The price of public shells today start at $500,000.00 and people are paying it. With all the other expenses the final cost of doing a Reverse Merger could be close to one million dollars.(2). Greedy shell owners: The shell owner not being satisfied with the $500,000.00 Plus he gets for the shell and usually keeps 5-15% of the shares for himself.The shell owner’s shares will come out and cause problems for your share price when you least expect it, even if he sign an agreement not to sell for a year, he can not be trusted, it’s the nature of the beast, greedy and slimy like all snakes.Don’t let the shell owner dictate to you and insert a stipulation in the contract forbidding you to do a reverse split, after all he needs you more than you need him, you can go public without…

College life can be a lot of fun but there are college and university exams that need to be taken. Unless you are the type of student who can sail through college and university exams with little or no effort, you”re going to have to spend time studying hard in order to pass them. The stressful situations that college exams bring can hold you back if you do not learn how to handle it in a health manner.You obviously must study before taking your university exams and you should make an effort to review all of the material that was covered in classes thoroughly. Many students get so anxious and worked up that they actually make themselves sick with worry and stress and are unable to recall the information that they studied. Does this sound familiar? If so, you need to find a way to help you relax or you may very well find yourself failing courses.The sooner you can start preparing for your college exams, the better chance you”ll have at scoring high marks. This may sound obvious, but with all the distractions that come along with college life, it can be easy to put off studying until the last minute. Doing this will cause a lot of unnecessary pressure and you”re not going to help yourself if you approach your college course preparation this way.You also need to make sure that you have a study schedule laid out when you”re getting ready to take an exam. Lay out a schedule of the material you are going to study and follow the plan. Many college and university students don”t remember to build ample rest time into their study plan and end up being too tired to accomplish anything effectively. The best way to prepare for college testing is in short sessions so that you”re able to absorb all of the material.Make sure you get enough sleep and eat properly. If you”re not healthy and alert you are going to find your exams much more difficult then they would”ve been if you had taken proper care of yourself.At the end of the day, your college examinations are important but they aren”t worth making yourself sick over. If you find yourself becoming overly anxious about taking those college exams, consider getting in contact with a tutor who may be able to give you some additional help as needed.

Fixing a credit report starts with seeing what’s on it. You may get access for free online. Try a search for “free credit report.” Alternately, when you are denied credit based on a report issued by a local credit reporting agency, you can request a free credit report from that agency within 30 days.A quick look and you’ll have an idea why you were denied credit. Now how do you fix what you see? What if you find incorrect information on the report? What if you want to change information that is accurate, but unfair?First, if there is anything you want to dispute in the report, you can write a letter to the agency. Tell them exactly what is incorrect, and they must investigate. Send copies of any documentation, such as canceled checks, and send it all by certified mail.The agency must contact the source of the disputed information. If they recieve no confirmation within 14 days, they must delete the item from their files, and send you an updated report. You can demand that they send the corrected report to all creditors that recieved your credit report in the previous six months. This last part won’t be done automatically, so be sure to demand it.Honestly, if the item is under $500, or is more than a year old, usually creditors don’t bother to respond. This means fixing a credit report is possible even if it isn’t incorrect. Also, if you don’t succeed on your first attempt, you have the right to dispute the item again after 30 days.Put Explanations On Your Credit ReportWhen an item can’t be removed, you have the right to add a 100-word explanation permanently to your credit report. All who recieve the report will see your explanation. For example, if you had a valid argument with your doctor over a charge, you can explain the details.Fixing a credit report may take a long time if it is based on a history of late payments and loan defaults. But even in this case, you can correct little errors, and explain anything that isn’t fair. This will make it look a little better while you start paying bills on time and doing the other things necessary.Steve Gillman has been studying every aspect of money for thirty years. You can find more interesting and useful information on his website; target=”_new” href=”” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>

Stretching and yoga aren’t just for swamis who can fold themselves up like pretzels, or movie stars who have nothing better to do with their days! It can be a beneficial practice to all who use it, and one doesn’t have to adopt the worldview of the swamis in order to reap benefits from it. The pace of our lives these days is crazy—some would argue destructive.Yoga proponents say that learning the art form will not make you dull, but more magnetic, and show you the importance of slowing down. Yoga’s ‘inactivity’ can insert a moment to breathe in the midst of the hustle and bustle of life, can clear your mind, and re-energize you with just a few simple techniques.The first lesson in any Yogic theory is how to relax. This doesn’t mean you flop on the sofa and become a couch potato; instead it is defined as ‘a conscious transfer of energy from one department of nature to another….’ Even if you do this for 5 minutes at a time over a beverage, you’re on your way to relaxing. It will increase your efficiency—try it and see!Stretching involved in yoga can be very simple: lie on the floor without pillows. Remove your shoes and wear whatever is loose fitting and comfortable to you. Stretch your arms over your head while stretching your legs and feet. Close your eyes and let your head roll to one side.Now release each part of your body and consciously permit each limb, each ‘section’ of your body, to meld in to the floor. Permit yourself to feel as if you are sinking and think of a peaceful scene. This will likely feel very odd to you the first time you do it, but the relaxation that you bring each part of your body will be refreshing!Now we’ll work on stretching! Lie on the floor as you did for your full-body relaxation, only this time, interweave your fingers above your head. If you turn your palms upward, you’ll feel a bigger stretch along your ribs and spine. Stretch your arms as far above your head as possible, pointing your toes and pushing them towards the floor so you can feel every muscle between your head and feet.Once you have stretched every part of your body, release! Now go back in to your full-body relaxation mode, remembering to start at the head and relax your way down to your toes.Now work on the ‘complete breath’ that yoga teaches. Lying flat on the floor without pillows, place your hands gently on your diaphragm. Slowly exhale as much as you can. Very slowly begin to inhale through the mouth, evenly and without sudden stops. You will feel your diaphragm expand at this point—keep going. Now exhale through your mouth, using a slight force, expelling as much air as possible.You have just completed your ‘complete breath’ in yogic teaching! If you build up the number of complete breaths per day, you’ll notice less tension, better rest, and a…

Amos was a shepherd who lived in the region of Tekoa, not many miles from the city of Jerusalem. He earned his living by raising sheep and taking care of sycamore trees. He was not a prophet, son of a prophet or priest. He was an ordinary man chosen by God for a specific purpose: to prophesy to Israel. God called him, shepherd’s staff in hand, and sent him forth to warn his straying people.Amos’ message was to an age of unprecedented post-war prosperity in the middle of the 18th century. Materialism had become the order of the day. Politically, the kingdom was secure. Samaria, its capital, was considered impregnable. Under Jeroboam II, Israel enjoyed a remarkable cultural, social, and economic revival. It was the last glorious period in the history of the kingdom of Israel. The hopes and expectations of the people were lifted to the highest heights. They looked forward with great anticipation to even greater success and declared a great “Day of the Lord” when God Himself would take the battlefield against their antagonists.It was also a time of fervent patriotism. Everyone seemed unanimous in the conviction that God had at long last begun to fulfill His ancient promises to the nation (Genesis 9:25-27). Such was the climate into which, without warning, was catapulted the dynamic personality of Amos.The prosperity enjoyed by the Northern Kingdom was accompanied by an almost unparalleled degree of social corruption which was caused primarily by the demoralizing influence of Canaanite Baal-worship which Jeroboam II developed at the local shrines.The effect of this degenerating influence upon Hebrew society began to be felt in the corruption of justice, in willful and luxurious living of the upper classes, and in the general decay of social unity. The wealthy exhibited no responsibility towards the poor, and instead of relieving their economic distress, the rich seemed hell-bent upon depriving their less fortunate counterparts of all their property. Within a short period of time, the nation whose strength had subsisted in the mass of its independent citizens was divided into the dissolute rich and the oppressed poor. In just a few short years the poor had been reduced further to the level of serfs, and when circumstances dictated, they were frequently sold into bondage by their masters for trivial considerations. The virtual disappearance of the middle class marked a turning point in the stability of Israel’s life.The impending downfall and utter collapse of the Northern Kingdom is the predominant theme of the book of Amos. The basis for his prophecy is the injustice and immorality expressed in the political, economic, and religious life of the nation. It was Amos’ conviction that Yahweh is a God of justice and His power over the nations of the earth is evidenced by the fact that transgression of the principles of justice and social righteousness will inevitably be followed by utter ruin and decay. (continued in part 2).Rev. Saundra L. Washington, is an ordained clergywoman, social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries…

Is Meditation Too Much Time And Trouble?If you haven”t meditated before, you might think it”s too much trouble to learn. If you do meditate, you know it can be difficult to find the time to do it consistently. So is there really a meditation you can learn right now that can be done in 45 seconds? There is.Three Deep BreathsTry this: breath through your mouth, and notice how your chest expands; then breath through your nose and you”ll notice how your abdomen goes out more. You see, breathing through the nose causes the diaphram to pull the air to the bottom of your lungs. This delivers a good dose of oxygen into your bloodstream, and into your brain. It also tends to relax you.This is why meditators breath through their noses. It”s healthier, and it is the basis of this forty-five-second meditation. You simply close your eyes, let go of your thoughts (to the extent possible and take three slow, deep breaths through your nose, paying attention to your breathing.The Rest Of The StoryNow, this won”t get you into a deep meditative state, especially if you”ve never meditated before. Is this a reason not to do it? Not at all. You”ll get what you get out of it, and that almost certainly includes a clearer mind and a reduction in stress. Make it a ritual. For example, each time you get into your car, quietly do your three deep breaths. Having a regular “trigger” like this to remind you will keep you from procrastinating so often that you eventually forget to meditate altogether (isn”t this typical when we don”t make a habit out of the things we want to do?). Want it to be a deeper experience? There”s nothing wrong with just enjoying the relaxation created by three deep breaths, but you can go further, if you wish. Longer meditation will help, of course, but that isn”t the only way.If, when you have more time, you learn mindfulness, how to relax more fully, or better ways to let go of distractions in your mind, you can more effectively use that forty-five-seconds. You may even be able to get to that “alpha” state (brain wave frequecy of 8 to 12 hertz) during your short meditation.Don”t worry if some say this isn”t “real” meditation. We walk before we run, and not everything has to be difficult to be of value. Why not do a forty-five-second meditation right now?

If you enjoy the softness of a traditional, coil-spring mattress, but also need the back support of a good solid carpeted floor, then a memory foam mattress provides the perfect middle ground. A memory foam mattress contains most of the cushioning and body forming capabilities of a regular mattress, with all the back support of a floor – perhaps even better than a floor, since memory foam obeys the contours of your spine.Its tendency to soften with warmth and harden with coolness regulates how much support your body gets and where. You’ll feel the greatest difference at the more jutting parts of your body, such as ankles, knees, hips, ribs, shoulders, elbows, finding less aches and pains in the morning. You’ll find that there won’t be as much morning numbness – your limbs will wake up when you do, as your overall circulation will be improved.You’ll sleep better. You’ll live better.But before you go smashing your piggy bank to spend everything on the first memory foam mattress you see, realize that not all memory foam mattresses are the same: they vary in density, thickness, and overall quality. Densities range from 2.5 pounds per cubic foot to 5 pounds per cubic foot in most cases, and as high as 5.3 or more for some of the premium brands. Denser mattresses tend to be more expensive because more raw material goes into them, and because fabricating them requires a finer science.Denser mattresses are firmer and respond better to those who are thinner with more protruding bone structures, while mattresses that are less dense are softer and tend to do a better job at cradling curvier forms. If you do not tend to move around much while falling asleep, a denser mattress is ideal. For those who toss and turn a bit, a less dense mattress is the better choice. Do keep in mind that your tossing and turning may not actually be your natural way of sleeping, but rather a result of inadequate bedding. A middle-density memory foam mattress – about 4 pounds can accommodate a range of sleepers. Low-density memory foam mattresses (2.5-3.5 pounds per cubic foot) can sometimes “bottom out” and usually aren’t worth the lower price.As memory foam mattresses have gained in popularity, more luxurious (meaning thicker) beds have become more common. Your basic memory foam mattress uses a 5” base layer with a couple inches of foam at the top for any size, be it twin, twin-long, full-size, queen, king, or California king. More luxurious mattresses have a 6” base with an extra inch or two of top padding, for a more responsive feel, and these mattresses are the most popular memory foam beds. The top-of-the-line models also have a 6” base, but include extra top layering, for maximum responsiveness.If you’re looking to save money, finding a good discount memory foam mattress can be a difficult proposition. For a quality product, Consumer Reports recommends you spend at least $450 for a twin bed, $600 for a full-size bed,…

Syndicated comic authors have been complaining about newspaper size restrictions, content censoring and similar issues for a long time. Comic enthusiasts have been increasingly irritated by the treatment their entertainment medium receives as well. Then along came the Internet, providing unlimited and unrestricted distribution possibilities. Thus the webcomic was born.There are millions of webcomics out there, dealing with such vast topics as video games, college life, samurai, Lego men, identity and self esteem, depression, suicide, children and joy. People write them either for a living, for fun, as stress relief, for artistic expression, or often just for the hell of it. Then they stick their creations on the web and hope that just one more person will find and enjoy the fruits of their labour.There seem to be several hundred new comics created each and every day. These often dwindle and fade after only a few months. Occasionally, however, a comic rises above the rest and gains such popularity that the creator is able to forgo all other work and scrape a living solely off the proceeds generated by their websites. Some examples of such are Penny-Arcade, PvP, CtrlAltDel and people, when introduced to the world of webcomics, think to themselves “Wouldn”t it be cool to have my own comic?” and a few go beyond this and create their own. So how can a newcomer ensure that their comic continues beyond the first few weeks of enthusiasm?Now before I go into some useful tips it is probably worth noting that I am the proud owner of a failed webcomic. It went for a few months before hitting a few snags and then grinding into the ground. I have plans to return to creating the comics, but as of yet have not. So I”m not really drawing from a foundation of success, more of failure and an understanding of some of the main factors contributing to my failure.For starters, you”re going to need to plan a little. It”s unfortunate, unfair and certainly not fun, but it is necessary. Sit down and think about your comic. Come up with a location setting, some characters and maybe even a few plots to test them in. Run the characters through some adventures and see how they react and how you react to them. Your characters will grow and change throughout this process, and continue to do so throughout the life of your comic but you need to get a handle on their basic character traits.For some reason the majority of comics revolve around a group of people (usually guys) that are somewhat geeky and live together. Usually in a university dorm. I would imagine that this is because that”s the general life of the majority of webcomic authors. The premise itself also makes an awful lot of sense for the basis of a comic. When designing my own webcomic the process went a little something like this: I designed the main characters, most of which were drawings that I had been playing with…

A mentor does not buy, sell or negotiate. A mentor provides a service. In essence, mentoring is simply helping someone else play their cards right and become successful in their home business or other endeavour.Thus defined, mentoring has been a business practice for a long time. Recent estimates indicate that a large majority of successful people have used a mentor as a standard business practice.Mentors choose to help others reach their goals for various reasons, the most common reason being to gain support and help for their own projects and from a true desire to assist others. After all, what good is information if you don”t share it with someone who needs a mentor?Many mentors help a peer or friend move up the ladder in order to achieve personal satisfaction and develop friendships. Also, you”ve probably experienced a friend saying, “I helped you, and now I need help too…” Basically, being or having a mentor is an exchange of services and friendship.One reason mentoring is popular, especially in today”s economy, is that it provides free training that normally would be provided at special training classes costing a lot of money. Mentors willingly provide this service, as it is simply the bottom line method of training with little or no cash. In times of little or no cash flow, mentoring is a highly desirable commodity, and mentoring is becoming even more widespread. Mentoring offers a way to hold onto cash while continuing to get advice and training.In addition to saving costs, mentoring can improve cash flow and liquidity by avoiding the high cost of formal training. For anyone who is starting up a home business, this is vitally important. For the individual who is lucky enough to have a mentor, it makes it possible to save existing funds for those purchases where cash is necessary.To successfully become a mentor, you must think in terms of a trainer, a financial expert, and a technical advisor if you want to help someone start their home business. After all, that is the precise reason for mentoring – to bring together an individual with success.Your first task is to determine exactly what the individual hopes to accomplish. As a one-person training staff, you will need to know everything about the potential home business as well as get to know the personal hopes and dreams of your prot?g?. In effect, you are providing your expertise and/or time to help another person achieve their goals for success.Having a mentor to help you successfully start up your home business is a stroke of luck if you are on the receiving end. You explain your wants or needs to your mentor and he/she will provide you with suggestions based on their past experiences.You will be wise to listen to these suggestions, as they are mostly methods that have already been tried, tested and proven to work.Your home business mentor can help you with advice on start-up costs, technical advice, and guide you through the process of establishing sales leads,…

August 24, 2005 – AKVIS LLC announces the release of AKVIS Enhancer V.2.1 for Windows and Macintosh. Sometimes a photographer captures a great photo but some details within it will be lost due to unevenness of exposure; faces may be cast in shadow, or scenery wiped out by overexposure.Merely manipulating the brightness and contrast of the whole frame with photo editing software can improve the problem in some portions of a photo, but might then spoil other areas that need different treatment. Here lies the strength of AKVIS Enhancer. AKVIS Enhancer strengthens the difference between adjacent pixels having different color gradations and reveals details within shadowed, overexposed or mid-tone areas. Where other digital photo editing programs may achieve acceptable results by manipulating two to four shots of the same scene, AKVIS Enhancer applies advanced algorithms to a single shot for spectacular outcome.In addition to its appeal to the amateur photographer and home user, AKVIS Enhancer is a highly useful tool in the production of technical and industrial photographs, or for revealing subtle details within medical imaging and forensic photos. Demonstrations of AKVISEnhancer”s features are available at . The AKVIS Enhancer plugin is compatible with Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements, Corel Painter, Corel Photo-Paint, Jasc Paint Shop Pro, ACD FotoCanvas, and Ulead PhotoImpact. AKVIS Enhancer on Microsoft WindowsT 98/ME/2000/XP/NT, using one of the photo editors listed above. AKVIS Enhancer sells for $69.00 US, downloadable from .For a free trial, AKVIS offers 10 days of fully functional use. One license key allows activating the software on two computers, for example, on a desktop and a laptop.Details are available at .

I wonder how people cope on the net who are making a living from selling their services to others. Do they get up like me at 6 in the morning and start sorting through the 2000 or 3000 emails they have got after submitting their site to a search engine software program. Or they made the mistake of putting their company email address in an article they just wrote and now have to sort through 200 miles of spam.Yes I”ve made this mistake a few times lately was tired and forgot my golden rule whenever I submit an article to be published or subscribe to a mailing list use my alternative addresses. Well its not all bad news a funny thing happened to me the other day I used my hotmail address in an article and got a message that so and so wanted authorization for me to add them so I did . Next thing I”ve got these two obviously drunk ladies on vid camera telling me that they wanted some of my products but didn”t have any cash and would I be willing to trade . I asked her what goods she had and she then whipped out her breasts and said these . I said lovely product line you got there but I have to get my purchases approved by my wife as we are on a budget. Well anyway I wont go into details but lets just say I haven”t laughed so hard for ages .Anyway im getting off topic here I promised in a early post that id talk about my experiences in trading on the net i”ve just gotten my first pay check from an affiliate I signed up with nearly two months ago and I was pleasantly surprised usually takes a few months for them to be paying what I consider to be reasonable returns. I”ve put some details about some of the programs I”ve joined since being an online trader . I think at last count I had tried close to 700 different ones . I put a couple of my top performers on my main trader site and well as some that don”t perform as well but they are worth having for the free exposure to a large audience. If you”d like to learn more then feel free to visit my site

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