There are recognized, factory-certified Wedgwood China outlets in many locations around the world for your shopping convenience. These places carry only Wedgwood China and anything you purchase there will be the genuine article, not a cheap reproduction, and its dating will be accurate. If it is a piece that has been repaired, even if you cant tell by looking at it, the shop will give you its history before selling it to you and the price of such an item would be less than an identical piece without the repair. At a certified Wedgwood outlet shop you can rest assured that you are not being fleeced by anybody misrepresenting the product.
In addition to the shops that are licensed Wedgwood China Outlets, there is a second group of dealers and shops that are certified to carry Wedgwood products, as well as other products of a similar nature. They might stock collections or individual pieces of other manufacturers such as Spode, Waterford or many others as well as Wedgwood. As long as they are certified by Wedgwood to be a Wedgwood China outlet, you can shop safely.
Then there are numerous shops, mostly in high-traffic tourist areas around the world that sell China from everywhere. In these shops you have to be careful about what you are buying and the prices you are paying. You may see a set of Wedgwood China that just makes your spirit soar and you simply have to have it. Well, if its the actual dishware and the design on it that has gotten your attention, youll be happy with your purchase. But if you try to have it appraised once you get home, perhaps for insurance reasons, only to discover that your collection is more Hong Kong than Wedgwood, youll have no recourse to recoup your investment. In all instances, it pays to do some homework before you make your purchase.
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